Tuina massage has the same origin as Shiatsu and developed in China holding its root in the Traditional Chinese Medicine. Because it was developed into a vast and complete healing method, it is easily adapted into every day contexts of our modern world. Currently in China it is common for hospitals to have a Tuina department offering treatments on a daily basis. There are aspects of TUINA common with Swedish massage, deep tissue, sports massage, shiatsu, bone setting, reiki.
Tuina can be very relaxing and soothing but its main purpose is medical – treating an array of conditions. Tuina influences all of body’s circulatory systems as well as tissues and organs. It can also be used for some psycho-somatic conditions.
A regular general tuina session is great for restoring the balance, keeping the immune system active, preventing stagnation and making you feel good in the body!
Some typical conditions treated:
musculoskeletal problems (eg. frozen shoulder, neck pains, lower back pains, sciatica, stiff hips, sports injuries), circulatory and respiratory problems.