A monthly general tuina session is perfect for restoring the balance, preventing diseases and stagnation, and makes you feel at home in your body!
Creating vacuum causes suction of skin and underlying tissues into the cup. This has an opposite effect to a massage – instead of applying pressure it lifts tissues. In doing so pores open up, blood and fluid circulation is significantly promoted, muscle tensions released. Cupping may be stack or sliding. Stack is similar to acupuncture and usually leaves marks while sliding may be described as a pleasant cupping massage.
Traditional moxa (short for moxibution) involves burning dried mugwort over a specific point or area of the body thus warming it up. This can be done indirectly using a cigar or directly by placing a mugwort cone on the skin.
Moxa is pleasant and does not leave scars nor cause pain. To avoid smoke, smokeless variants are possible. In a clinical setting, heat lamps are also widely used.
Heating with moxa has a tonifying effect on the body, strengthens immune system, promotes circulation, alleviates pain.
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